
14th October - Type Niceties - Phil Gray

Another lecture.
Phil Gray took this one, which was interesting because I like Phil. He has a way with his words which makes you understand. He doesn't have a certain pretence about him which i have noticed with other people around uni.
Anyway, lecture notes

- nice = Little things that just 'go'
- Johannes Gutenberg created type to look just the way the local scribes wrote in germany.
- He also created 'movable type'

Phil went on to discuss the key dates in type history, I have taken a photo, I'm not re- writing them all, there are far too many and my hands ache.

Phil explained tracking perfectly and showed examples, which i thought was good, and actually helpful.
A valid comment was made about mixing typefaces. Always use one or if you want more, of the same type family, whether it be two sans serifs or two sans modern.

Smart quotes, and how to use them properly. I have trouble with punctuation sometimes...a lot of the time and I'm still trying to understand it.

Phil basically went through some of the type details and showed us examples of things.
I enjoyed this lecture and found it helpful to my work.

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