
15th October - Frieze Art fair

May I just start by saying WHAT A WASTE OF TIME.
I genuinely feel let down.

I had heard SO much about this, and I know how prestigious the exhibition is, and after half an hour I can honestly say I wanted to leave.
There were too many people about, you couldn't actually just stand there and look at anything without being pushed out the way by an old italian woman, desperately holding onto her youth by spending thousands on a dodgy new chin and facelift, with with a bloody huge camera!

My final moan is that the art was absolute crap. not even an understatement. How on earth do these 'fine artists' get away with this.. charging thousands of pounds for something my dog could have done. Not even an exaggeration.
Call it disrespectful, I call it not being stuck up my own arse following the sheep and having a real opinion.

Don't even get me started on Tracey fucking Emin.

p.s .... I did enjoyDavid Shringly. He has a perfect illustration which sums up my visit to this apparently amazing exhibition :

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