
Idea 4

So, I started to have a right little think about what interests me in design, and what inspires me.
I felt totally uninspired at this point and virtually on the brink of running back home to mum.
Anyway...looking through my bookmarks on my computer I came across the little gem that is:

I absolutely love the whole idea of this.
These were originally created in 1939 to maintain Britain 's resolve after the war had been declared.
I began researching the type face used, and could not find an exact match but did however find that it was very similar to 'Johnston' The type used for London underground.
Gill sans was also a close match.

I'm veering off course here a bit.
The idea I had was to take the original idea of 'Keep calm and carry on' but to shorten it to 'Keep calm'.
Instead of 'Carry on' I would be using the type detail.

For example
'Keep calm and align' or 'Keep calm and justify'.

I felt this idea really tied in well with how i was actually feeling at the time, of wanting to give up and go home, of not keeping calm at all.

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