
Idea 4- Developed

Ok, so these were the mock ups i made. I was really happy with them actually.
These were just the front covers.
The idea was to have double printed cards, these being on the front and the detailing of the type on the back.
I never actually got round to doing the back part in time for my crit. I wanted to see how my idea would go down.
Crit went ok, I wasn't prepared for everyone to be ecstatic, because as usual I was with a group that never bloody talks or gives feedback, something I find SO frustrating, especially when I take the time to look at their work and try help them out by giving them feedback.

Vicki was helpful and gave some pointers.
I have to take this idea and make it my own, and so far I hadn't gone far enough with he 'making it my own' part.

- New logo
-Only using red and white, as the brief states only 2 colours.
-Think about layout.

I then actually went on to make a concertina style book which took me FOREVER.
I can't actually place it right now to take a photo, but i will do when i find it.

Back to the drawing board.

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