
Idea 1 - Pop up books.

My first idea was to make a pop up book of all the different type details...
This idea came about by looking at the market i was aiming my work at. The age range was people of my age, early 20's and i wanted something that would be of interest and would also interact them.

I looked in the NUCA library and found the following books:
The incredible book eating boy (Oliver Jeffers)

The global garden - (Katy Petty and Jenny Maizles)

I found these books fascinating and I wondered what on earth people were doing giving them to children! The work that went into making these is absolutely beautiful.

After further research, I discovered that pop up books were actually made for adults and not children. The first recorded pop up book was an astrological book in 1306 by Ramon Llull and were called 'Volvelles' meaning 'paper constructions with rotating parts'.
It was not until the 18th century that these because designed for children....why I don't know but I don't feel it is 100% relevant to my design research, I just found it interesting.

After much thought, i decided it would be far too difficult to design and construct a pop up book, it would have taken me months and i am clumsy handed...this would have delayed the project even further!!

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