

I had a crit today, we all spoke about our ideas and what we were planning to do.
My 2 ideas were for Harry Potter and Jacqueline Wilson.

I was told that Harry Potter has recently been redesigned ( I knew this ) and it would be not really worthwhile perusing this idea when there were other books that really were in need of a re-design.

If I'm honest, I hate the idea of re-designing a book cover. When you have grown up reading from a small age, you learn book covers by heart and you connect them with the story.
So to then have to re-design them seems a bit sad.

I feel like designers are trying to update the book, which is to me impossible. Yes, you can redesign the cover and bring it 'up to date', but you can never change the story. The story will always stay in the setting it was created.

Anyway, rant over....I'm moving forward with Jacqueline Wilson

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