
BA5. Book design series

The bookcover is an important selling device usually treated as a stand-alone item, and often
independent of the typographic design used inside the book.
This project is designed to
• increase your understanding of the publishing industry by developing an identity or
house style for a book publisher.
• generate creative ideas that can work across a range of titles and explore typographic
hierarchy on the covers.
• produce a basic format flexible enough to accommodate any title in the current list, or
any future titles, giving the series a strong and unique visual identity.
Develop an identity for a series of books. These can be fiction or non fiction. Think about
your readership: is it general or predominately of one age group? Will the book be read from
cover to cover (eg a novel) or dipped into (eg a ‘how to’ book). You can choose an existing
series, or choose from the attached list on the VLE. You are only required to design the
covers, but it is really important that you are familiar with the ‘content’ of the books. Aim for a
clear concept and a distinct identity through your use of imagery and typography.
Produce three cover designs, including the spine and back cover. Allow approximately 150
word ‘blurb’, plus bar code, price, credits, and publishers colophon. Also consider that the
book may be featured very small in a catalogue or on a website such as Amazon.

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