
25th october - new brief (calender)

Frequently calendars are designed in a ‘standard’ linear fashion, the month in bold while the days are placed below within a rigid grid structure. In this project you are asked to consider creative approaches to calendar design. It is important that your idea still maintains functional aspects.

This project is designed to:

Encourage you to explore the use of different formats through image, materials and construction.

Appreciate typographic innovation.

Your calendar should be based on a theme, (see the separate list on the VLE). It should enable you to explore graphic imagery to its full potential. Ask questions of yourself – what can imagery be - bold effective typography, raw imagery, subtle nuances? How can the theme be carried across the year? What is a year? Twelve months, 365/6 days, an academic year, an everlasting calendar? Most importantly how should the size, format and layout of a calendar maintain function?

During this project there may be an opportunity to collaborate with students on the illustration course. There will also be an opportunity to enter your calendar into the The Wynkyn de Worde Student Award if appropriate

Calendar Design Themes / triggers to use as starting points to develop your calendar solution
As time goes by
Looking back Looking forward
A fresh day
Making a date
Counting down
Time flies
Another day
Groundhog day
Behind the scenes
It happened on a Monday

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