
25th October-Final crit

Critique for my poster design.
I feel it went quite well, it wasn't the best and wasn't the worst, but i was happy with it which is kind of all that matters....
Anyway, few pointers were made.
I never really thought about it before, but vicki is right...you really can see work better when you have it printed to the real size it is meant to be and not just standard A4 to show for crits. It sounds to obvious thinking about it now.
But yes, i realised that i should od it more, so i will do this in future to see how my work actually looks when it comes to print.

Points made about the poster:
-could use a B size, make it longer
-Type similar to gothic type, have a little research.
-Look at dover publications
-wood cuts and wood type.
- change size of some of the text
-play about with the hierarchy
-some more kerning. You can see it so much more clearer when its printerd out into big size, and can see some terrible kerning!

Not much more to do before i send it into print, but a fair bit of modification.
Hoping to send it to print tomorrow.

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