
1st October -Industry Lecture -Neil Hedger

Last year I never went to a single industry lecture, whether it was off my own back or not having the opportunity I don't know...so I never really knew what to expect.
I've already found that this year I have had so many more opportunities than last year,which seems weird. I'm also finding that I have no expectations at all, which is actually a good thing!

So anyway, Neil Hedger was the guest lecturer, or shall i say 'from industry'.
I had googled him ( i google everything) to try find out a bit about him / what to expect from this lecture.
This is the website I found : www.neilhedger.co.uk
I loved the loading page, which reads "does he give"...and then it rounds up to 100%. I thought that was clever.
Although i never saw any actual work on the website. Maybe I'm being stupid and not looking but all I saw was a link to his flickr This to me was a bit of a let down.

Anyway...here are my notes from the lecture, they are all just quotations of what he said.

'Design is inspired by life'
'Have your eyes open all the time'
'Be interested in whats around you'
'If you have a simple idea, look at it from a different angle to make it more visually interesting possibly'
'Is this good enough or can I make it much better'

This is what I took away from an hour lecture.
I won't say I was inspired by his work because I wasn't at all, not the slightest. His words however and how he described design was great. Spot on.

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